
I’m Lisa — an author, writer, mother, therapist, adoptee, creative, and multi-layered person, here to explore and express the human experience. 

My writing and work is centered around embracing the unknown, asking questions, returning to our truest selves, nurturing what matters to us, and making room for possibility, all while tending to what's most real and finding ourselves in the here and now.

Get To Know Me

You are worthy of your own deep acceptance and compassion. You are deserving of honoring your full humanity. You are allowed to live into your full, whole self. You are already enough.

It is my belief that we are all inherently enough. It is the work of a lifetime to remove all the beliefs, ideas, and stories that have ever caused us to believe otherwise. It is sacred work. Necessary work. Humble work. Beautiful work.

It is the work my heart is called to.

Self-expression as a means of self-understanding.
Self-expression as a means of getting closer to what matters.
Self-expression as a mode of staying curious.
Self-expression as a path toward self-knowing.
Self-expression as an act of humility.
Self-expression as an in-road to what's true.
Self-expression as a form of gathering.
Self-expression as an outreached hand.
Self-expression as a returning to self.

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Learn more about my debut book, Already Enough: A Path to Self-Acceptance.

My Substack newsletter includes a free weekly Sunday letter and a paid option to support my work.

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